Das ist die Übersetzung der Hauptseite.
" Recently on the market appeared universal of modulus/module To eurocham , which were created for the purpose of the universalization of iron for different codings so-called simulchrypt . On the market are thus far encountered only hearth two codings - Irdeto of the version of software with 1.05, 1.06 and Aston the version of software with 1.04, 1.05. Basis is chip SCHM ( personal development of producers), To flasyu the memory of 512 kilos-byte OF 29S 040 productions A TMEL or SHINBOND. The version of modulus/module can be learned, after taking out the map/chart/card (modulus/module it will fluoresce communication/report about the access and the number of version) . "
From itself I can add that with this here universal ccAM'om to those pierced under IRDETO it no longer works with the channels by those coded Of iRDETO\Betachrypt. these are Premiyere Of shorld and ORF on ASTER 19 * . And this is only largest problem of new ccAM'ov. Is still similar that necessary to distort card if it it is pierced To strsyu Veshch , and not to an example Of flyChard by piercing. Yes! On the the old Irdeto 4.7 AllCham'akh already it is possible to look 3 (Irdeto, Secha, Viachchess) codings!!! Miracle is simple, but also not after to exchange wonderful money. In all possessors Yeuro of ccAM'ov recently appeared the possibility it was altered them under new AlpyuaChrypt To firmshare . ccAM'y of version Irdeto 1.05 ASTON 1.04 are stitched through without vypaivaniya of fleshki. ccAM'y of versions Irdeto 1.06 ASTON 1.05 are by program blocked from the piercing thus and it is necessary to feed, to place fleshku on the programmer and to only so flood new Firmshare. this connected/bonded with the heap of problems if you everything decide to make by your hands. Will have to disjoin to solder 32 legs with distance in 0,shchmm, with that not overheating/superheating to fleshku, nezakorotiv and without having broken area/site. But will be also necessary the adapter of ==== and programmer. However, features not such terrible by what it they sketch. X -SAT made everything by its hands and was politely subdivided with information on this question.