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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana">Zitat:</font><HR>Produced from society SCM, specialized in the realization of the conditioned accesses US, the first prototypes of Cam Common Interface for the system of codify Videoguard of NDS (News Digital Systems) have made their appearance. At the moment the system comes used from the British Sky Digital in United Kingdom, from Stream in Italy and Greek Telecom OTE, than pero' it has not still begun the phase of commercialization of its bouquet on Hotbird. Sure news is still not had on the date of distribution of these CAM and it is still not known if the prototype functions with smart card the NDS of Stream. Time makes usci' the news, never confirmed from nobody, than US NDS would have been only sold to the subscribers that demonstrated the subscription to the pay tv codified with this system of conditioned access, to the aim of limitarne the distribution in order to avoid pirateria phenomena. Thanks to these cam Stream could resolve the problem of incompatibilità of smart card the Videoguard with the current Common receivers Interface in commerce. Also the German company Technisat has acquired the licence for the production of these CAM while the XSat French has confirmed the introduction on the market in the 2001 of an endowed receiver of cam integrated Videoguard. [/quote]
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