SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1GB: (JPEG-App geht nicht!)
USB_DeviceRemoved Addr:03
unplug complete
Resetting Port
Enabling Port
USB_AttachnewDevice Fullspeed:1
USB_SetAddress 04
Reading Device Descriptor
This endpoint supports a maxtransfersize of 40
Device Descriptor:
UsbSpec 0200 Class 00 SubClass 00 Prot 00 MaxPacket 40
Vendor 0781 Product 5151 Release 0200
ManuString 01 ProductString 02 SerialString 03
NumConfigs 01
Config 0:
Interfaces: 01 ConfigVal 01 StringInfo 00 Bus-powered 94mA
IF: Num 00 Alt 00 EPs 02 Class 08 SubClass 06 Prot 50 StringIdx 00
EP: Addr 81 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
EP: Addr 02 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
Interfaces: 01 ConfigVal 01 StringInfo 00 Bus-powered 94mA
IF: Num 00 Alt 00 EPs 02 Class 08 SubClass 06 Prot 50 StringIdx 00
EP: Addr 81 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
EP: Addr 02 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
Teclast CoolFlash 4GB: (JPEG-App geht nicht!)
USB_DeviceRemoved Addr:05
unplug complete
Resetting Port
Enabling Port
USB_AttachnewDevice Fullspeed:1
USB_SetAddress 06
Reading Device Descriptor
This endpoint supports a maxtransfersize of 40
Device Descriptor:
UsbSpec 0200 Class 00 SubClass 00 Prot 00 MaxPacket 40
Vendor 1307 Product 0163 Release 0100
ManuString 01 ProductString 02 SerialString 03
NumConfigs 01
Manufacturer: USBest Technology
Product: USB Mass Storage Device
Serial: 00000000000B8E
Config 0:
Interfaces: 01 ConfigVal 01 StringInfo 00 Bus-powered 80mA
IF: Num 00 Alt 00 EPs 03 Class 08 SubClass 06 Prot 50 StringIdx 00
EP: Addr 01 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 01
EP: Addr 82 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 01
EP: Addr 83 Inter. MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 08
Interfaces: 01 ConfigVal 01 StringInfo 00 Bus-powered 80mA
IF: Num 00 Alt 00 EPs 03 Class 08 SubClass 06 Prot 50 StringIdx 00
EP: Addr 01 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 01
EP: Addr 82 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 01
EP: Addr 83 Inter. MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 08
Joy-it 2GB ("memory USB2.0"): (JPEG-App geht nicht!)
USB_DeviceRemoved Addr:03
unplug complete
Resetting Port
Enabling Port
USB_AttachnewDevice Fullspeed:1
USB_SetAddress 04
Reading Device Descriptor
This endpoint supports a maxtransfersize of 40
Device Descriptor:
UsbSpec 0200 Class 00 SubClass 00 Prot 00 MaxPacket 40
Vendor 1516 Product 8628 Release 0200
ManuString 01 ProductString 02 SerialString 03
NumConfigs 01
Manufacturer: memory
Product: USB2.0
Serial: 000000000000000000000022
Config 0:
Interfaces: 01 ConfigVal 01 StringInfo 00 Bus-powered 100mA
IF: Num 00 Alt 00 EPs 02 Class 08 SubClass 06 Prot 50 StringIdx 00
EP: Addr 81 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
EP: Addr 02 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
Interfaces: 01 ConfigVal 01 StringInfo 00 Bus-powered 100mA
IF: Num 00 Alt 00 EPs 02 Class 08 SubClass 06 Prot 50 StringIdx 00
EP: Addr 81 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
EP: Addr 02 Bulk MaxSize 0040 PollInterval 00
pszTempPath: ÿÿÿÿô
pszTempPath: a:\*.*